Get your stitch on!
This Sunday (and the first Sunday of each month) is Stitch Therapy from 5-7 PM. It's a free online get together where we sew, craft, and set up projects in good company. And you are welcome to join us. Contact me for the Zoom link! For serious sewers, the next online class is Intermediate Techniques: 4 Saturdays in May from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM. In this class, we cover zippers, bindings, seam techniques, and of course pockets. (Pockets are important.) Click on the photo to get to the sign up link and to find more upcoming classes. In July and August we shall be draping.
We accept 2-D and sculptural work, music files, and performances on digital media. Submit online at Opulent Mobility is curated by A. Laura Brody and Anthony Tusler. The call for art begins April 11, 2021 and the deadline for submissions is July 31. There is no fee to share your work.
Artists will be informed if their works are accepted by August 15, the exhibit will open October 1, 2021, and the show will run through October 31. Opulent Mobility 2021 will held at Long Hall, Plummer Park in the City of West Hollywood, CA as part of the city’s celebration of Disability Awareness Month. The exhibit will also be online at Many thanks to the City of West Hollywood for their partnership! Opulent, adjective 1. Characterized by extravagant, ostentatious magnificence: lavish, lush, luxurious, palatial, plush, rich, sumptuous 2. Given to or marked by unrestrained abundance: Extravagant, exuberant, luxuriant, prodigal, profuse, riotous, superabundant Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Hey and good greetings!
Below are my upcoming online classes. This Saturday we'll begin with Alter Your Clothes Like A Pro and move on from there. Two classes are all new: Draping 101 (Saturdays in July) and Fabric Creations from 2D to 3D (Saturdays in August). Sign up and pay by clicking the links and you will get the Zoom link a couple of days before the first class starts. 4 sessions for $149. For a free session, join us this Sunday from 5-7 PM at Stitch Therapy! This isn't a class- it's a Zoom get together where we work on our individual craft and sewing projects and catch up with each other. It's good fun and good company. Sign up on the Facebook page or send a note from the contact page. I am looking forward to creating with you. Alter Your Clothes Like A Pro 4/3/21- 4/24/21 from 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM Bring in the items you've been meaning to alter and we'll get them conquered! Typically, students finish between three to six alterations in a 4-session class. Intermediate Sewing Techniques 5/1/21- 5/22/21 from 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM Learn some tips to level up your sewing skills! We'll cover zippers, seam finishes, bindings, piping, and pockets. Intro to Sewing 6/5/21- 6/26/21 from 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM Learn to use your sewing machine, make a reversible tote bag, and make a pair of PJ pants. NEW! Draping 101 7/10/21-7/31/21 from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Draping is the art of creating clothing using a form and fabric instead of a paper pattern. If you've seen Project Runway, you have seen draping in action. In this class we'll go over the basic principles of draping, and then make a piece of clothing designed by you! Fabric creations from 2D to 3D 8/7/21-8/28/21 from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM A step beyond Draping 101 for adventurous designers and sewists. Come in with sketches and photographs of clothing designs you want to create, and together we can help make them a reality. |
A. Laura Brody
I re*make mobility devices and materials and give them new lives. Sometimes I staple drape. Archives
January 2025